Abstract:【Objective】To explore the application value of 5-min nursing knowledge output training mode based on Feynman learning theory in the training of foreign medical aid workers. 【Methods】A total of 57 foreign aid medical staff in emergency mixed intensive care unit were selected as the research subjects to understand their demand for training content, and a 5-min nursing knowledge output training mode based on Feynman learning theory was adopted for training. The theoretical and operational achievements of foreign aid medical staff before and after training were compared, and the satisfaction of the training mode was evaluated. 【Results】After the training, the scores of foreign aid medical workers in airway management module, nosocomial infection control module, nutrition support module, intravenous therapy support module, sedation and analgesia module, hemodynamic monitoring module, cardiopulmonary support module, critical patient reception and transport module were higher than those before the training, with statistical significance (P<0.05). The results of the questionnaire showed that 56 foreign aid medical workers were satisfied with the content of the training teacher, and the overall satisfaction rate was 98.2%(56/57). 【Conclusion】The 5-min nursing knowledge output training mode based on Feynman learning theory can help to improve the competence of foreign aid medical posts quickly, and the training mode has a high degree of satisfaction, which is worth promoting.
张玲, 李君, 张琼, 吴秀颖, 王青霞. 基于费曼学习理论的5 min护理知识输出培训模式在外援医护人员培训中的应用价值[J]. 医学临床研究, 2024, 41(12): 1849-1851.
ZHANG Ling, LI Jun, ZHANG Qiong, et al. The Application Value of 5-min Nursing Knowledge Output Training Mode Based on Feynman Learning Theory in the Training of Foreign Aid Medical Staff. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL RESEARCH, 2024, 41(12): 1849-1851.
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