Abstract:【Objective】To investigate the imaging manifestations and dynamic analysis on HRCT of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease(COVID-19). 【Methods】 The complete clinical and HRCT data of 46 patients with COVID-19 diagnosed by nucleic acid detection in our hospital and surrounding areas were reviewed. Each patient was reexamined every 4-5 days after the first CT examination, and the dynamic changes of chest CT images in different periods were observed. 【Results】 Among the 46 patients, 38 had fever, 20 had dry cough and 20 had fatigue. The shape, distribution and density of pulmonary lesions in patients with COVID-19 changed greatly with time. The first CT examination of 3 mild patients was negative, and the second reexamination was abnormal. In the early stage, there were single or scattered ground glass shadow under the peripheral lung pleura; the lesions were small, often presented as fireworks and clouds; in the advanced stage, the lesions increased and expanded, and distributed from subpleural subsegment, segmental, lobar (multilobed) to translobar; ground glass shadow and consolidation shadow were common in density, and their shapes were variable. In the severe stage, the lesions were widely distributed, often consolidation, even "white lung", indicating that the condition was critical; in the absorption stage, about 2 weeks after the onset, the lesions in the lung were significantly reduced, the density was reduced, some residual fibrous streak shadows were found, and one patient had a large cystic cavity.【Conclusion】HRCT images are relatively characteristic, which can accurately assess the degree of lung involvement, and is of great significance in monitoring the progress and outcome of the disease.
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