Relationship between Peripheral Blood GRA, MLR, TLR-9, B7-H3 and Secondary Infection of Severe Acute Pancreatitis and its Evaluation Value for the Degree of Infection |
ZHANG Tao, CHANG Liang, ZHANG Li,et al |
Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital,Xi'an Shaanxi 710100 |
Abstract 【Objective】To explore the relationship between peripheral blood neutrophilic granulocyte(GRA), monocyte to lymphocyte ratio(MLR), Toll-like receptor-9(TLR-9), B7-H3 and secondary infections of severe acute pancreatitis and the evaluation value of the degree of infection. 【Methods】From June 2017 to March 2020, patients with severe acute pancreatitis in our hospital were selected as the research objects. According to whether the patients had secondary infections, 51 cases were in the secondary infection group and 72 cases were in the non-secondary infection group. The general data, peripheral blood GRA, MLR, TLR-9, B7-H3 of the two groups were compared, and the factors affecting the secondary infection of severe acute pancreatitis and the correlation between the above peripheral blood indicators were analyzed. The receiver operating(ROC) curve was used to analyze the diagnostic value of peripheral blood indicators for the secondary and severe infections of severe acute pancreatitis. 【Results】 The levels of GRA, MLR, TLR-9 and B7-H3 in peripheral blood were all influencing factors of secondary infection of severe acute pancreatitis(P<0.05). There was a positive correlation between GRA, MLR, TLR-9, and B7-H3 in patients with secondary infection of severe acute pancreatitis(P<0.05). The levels of GRA, MLR, TLR-9 and B7-H3 in peripheral blood of patients with severe infection were higher than those of patients with local infection(P<0.05). The ROC curve showed that the AUC areas for the combined diagnosis of severe acute pancreatitis with secondary infection and severe infection were 0.871 and 0.889, which were higher than any single index. 【Conclusion】Peripheral blood GRA, MLR, TLR-9, B7-H3 are all overexpressed in patients with secondary infection of severe acute pancreatitis, and their expression levels are related to the degree of infection. The levels of these indicators can be monitored to guide the formulation of clinical medication regimens.
Received: 12 November 2020
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