Relationship between Hypothyroidism and Spontaneous Abortion in Early Pregnancy |
LIU Juan-di, WANG Rui, HE Ju-xian |
Northwest Women's and Children's Hospital, Xi'an Shaanxi, 710000 |
Abstract 【Objective】To investigate the relationship between hypothyroidism of pregnancy and spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy. 【Methods】 A total of 120 cases of hypothyroidism pregnant women in our hospital from March 2018 to March 2020 were selected as hypothyroidism group and 120 cases of subclinical hypothyroidism were selected as subclinical hypothyroidism group. In addition, 120 healthy pregnant women during the same time period were selected as the control group. The general data of all subjects were collected and compared, including age, body mass index (BMI), active and passive smoking, number of childbirth, and maternal status. The levels of serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroid hormone (FT4) and the positive expression of thyroid peroxidase-Ab (TPO-Ab) were detected by immunofluorescence analysis. The pregnancy outcomes of the three groups were compared. The receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was drawn to analyze the diagnostic value of serum TSH and FT4 levels in spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the risk factors of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy. 【Results】Compared with those in the control group, the serum TSH level and TPO-Ab positive rate in hypothyroidism group and subclinical hypothyroidism group were significantly higher (P<0.05), and the FT4 level was significantly lower (P<0.05). Further compared with those in subclinical hypothyroidism group, serum TSH level and TPO-Ab positive rate in hypothyroidism group were significantly higher (P<0.05) and FT4 level was significantly lower (P<0.05). In the order of control group, subclinical hypothyroidism group and hypothyroidism group, the proportions of pregnant women with spontaneous abortion, premature delivery, premature rupture of membranes, and postpartum anemia increased sequentially (P<0.05). The AUC of serum TSH and FT4 levels in hypothyroidism patients for diagnosing spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy was 0.786 and 0.779, respectively, and the AUC of combined detection of TSH and FT4 was 0.898. TPO-Ab positivity, abnormal increase of serum TSH level and abnormal decrease of FT4 level were risk factors of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】Hypothyroidism in pregnancy may increase the risk of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy. The detection of thyroid function related indicators is helpful to evaluate spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy.
Received: 06 December 2021
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