Microbiological Disorder in Pregnant Women with Lower Reproductive Tract Infection and its Influence on Pregnancy Outcome |
ZHANG Jinhui, ZHANG Xi |
Department of VIP Obstetrics, Xi'an Gaoxin Hospital, Xi'an Shaanxi 710077 |
Abstract 【Objective】To investigate microbiological disorder in pregnant women with lower reproductive tract infection and its impact on pregnancy outcomes. 【Methods】A total of 96 pregnant women in Xi'an Gaoxin Hospital from January 2019 to January 2022 were selected as research subjects, and patients were divided into the observation group and the control group according to the culture results of reproductive tract pathogens. There were 44 patients with pathogen positive culture in the observation group, and 52 cases with pathogen negative culture in the control group. The measurement of white blood cells, neutrophils and C-reactive protein, the occurrence of adverse pregnancy outcomes, and the total incidence of adverse neonatal complications were compared between the two groups. 【Results】Among the 96 pregnant women, there were 44 cases of lower genital tract infection showing the infection rate was 45.83%. Infectious pathogens included bacteria, fungi, chlamydia, mycoplasma, uplasma urealyticum, and trichomonas, The bacterial infection rate was 38.64%, the fungal infection rate was 13.64%, the chlamydia infection rate was 15.91%, the mycoplasma infection rate was 18.18%, the infection rate of urealyticum was 2.27%, and the trichomonas infection rate was 11.36%. Maternal leukocytes, neutrophils, and C-reactive protein in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group with statistically significant difference(P<0.05). The overall incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes such as premature rupture of membranes,intrauterine infection and puerperium infection in the observation group was 22.73%, which was higher than the 3.85% in the control group with the statistically significant difference(P<0.05). The overall incidence of adverse complications such as neonatal sepsis, pathological jaundice, and neonatal pneumonia was 25.00% in the observation group, which was higher than that of 3.85% in the observation group. The difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). 【Conclusion】The pathogens of lower reproductive tract infection in pregnant women mainly include bacteria, fungi, chlamydia, mycoplasma, urealyplasma urealyticum and trichomonas. Lower reproductive tract infection in pregnant women will increase the total incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes and adverse neonatal complications. Thus, infections should be treated timely and promptly once the infection are discovered.
Received: 20 April 2023
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