Clinical Effects of Different Intrauterine Devices on Women of Childbearing Age with Scar Uterus |
BAI Rui, SHI Fan |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zizhou County People's Hospital, Yulin Shaanxi 718499 |
Abstract 【Objective】To investigate the clinical effect of different intrauterine devices (IUD) on women of childbearing age with scar uterus. 【Methods】 A total of 240 women of childbearing age with IUD placed in scar uterus after cesarean section in our hospital from June 2015 to June 2018 were selected. According to different IUD placement, they were divided into four groups: Uterine-ring IUD group (n=60), T-type IUD group (n=60), Mycu IUD group (n=60) and Gyneflex IN/S IUD group (n=60), with 60 cases in each group. The failure rate after IUD placement, the incidence of adverse reactions and the continuation of IUD for 1 ~ 2 years were compared among the four groups. 【Results】 The postoperative failure rate of the Gyneflex group (1.67%) was significantly lower than that of the Uterine-ring group (8.33%), the T-type group (16.67%) and the Mycu group (8.33%) (P<0.05); The total incidence of adverse reactions of the Geneflex IN/S group (18.33%) was significantly lower than that of the Uterine-ring group (35.00%), the T-type group (41.67%) and the Mycu group (30.00%). The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); The IUD continuation rate after 2 years of operation in the four groups was lower than that after 1 year of operation. The IUD continuation rate after 2 years of operation in the Genyflex group (88.33%) was significantly higher than that in the Uterine-ring group (61.67%), the T-type group (51.67%) and the Mycu group (70.00%) (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】Compared with Uterine-ring IUD, T-type IUD and Mycu IUD,Gyneflex IN/S IUD has lower failure rate and lower total incidence of adverse reactions after IUD placement with higher continuation rate after 2 years of operation, which is worthy of clinical application.
Received: 05 December 2021
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