Analysis of Screening Results of Upper Digestive Tract Cancer in 6000 Cases of High Risk Population |
LI Sheng |
Department of Pathology, Langzhong people's Hospital, Langzhong 637400, Sichuan |
Abstract 【Objective】To investigate the incidence of upper gastrointestinal cancer in high-risk population in this area.【Methods】From January 2012 to December 2016, 6000 cases of high risk population aged 40 to 70 years old in our city were investigated. The cancer of upper digestive tract was surveyed and analyzed in order to analyze the carcinogenesis of upper digestive tract in high risk population in this city.【Results】Among the 6000 subjects, 4632 cases were normal esophageal mucosa, 1368 cases were abnormal, the abnormal rate was 22.80%. 391 cases (6.52%) of precancerous lesion, 112 cases (1.87%) of esophageal carcinoma, 94 cases (1.57%) of early carcinoma, 4689 cases of normal cardia and stomach, 1311 cases of abnormal gastric cardia and stomach, the abnormal rate was 21.85%. There were 176 cases (2.93%) of cardiac and precancerous lesions, and 25 cases (0.42%) of cardia and gastric cancer. Among them, 17 cases (0.28%) were early stage cancer. From 2012 to 2016, the detection rate of precancerous lesion and invasive carcinoma increased with the increase of year. The detection rate of invasive carcinoma was the highest in 2016, 10.73 % and 0.52%. The proportion of precancerous lesions, early stage cancer and invasive carcinoma in male was higher than that in female (P<0.05), and the detection rate of precancerous lesion of upper digestive tract, early cancer and invasive carcinoma of upper digestive tract gradually increased with age . 【Conclusion】The detection rate of precancerous lesions of upper digestive tract is higher in high risk population in this city, and the detection rate of upper digestive tract cancer is lower in men and elderly people, and the detection rate of upper digestive tract carcinogenesis is higher in male and elderly population.
Received: 05 July 2017
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