Investigation and Analysis of Knowledge and Behavior of Respiratory Treatment-related Infection Prevention and Control among Clinical Medical Staff
MAO Shuzhen, WEN Hui, LIU Zhiqun, et al
Department of Emergency Medicine, Clinical Research Center For Emergency and Critical Care in Hunan Province, Hunan Provincial Institute of Emergency Medicine, Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Emergency and Critical Care Metabonomics, Hunan Provincial People's Hospital, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Normal University, Changsha Hunan 410005
Abstract:【Objective】To investigate the knowledge and behavior of respiratory therapy related infection prevention and control among clinical staff and analyze the influencing factors.【Methods】From May 15 to 30, 2020, 249 medical personnel from professional wechat groups such as the National Academic Committee and academic groups were selected as the investigation objects, and the knowledge and behavior of respiratory treaty-related infection prevention and control questionnaire was used to investigate the clinical medical personnel.【Results】The total score of 249 people was (53.84±6.02) scores. The knowledge score of the medical staff who participated in respiratory therapy was higher than that of the non-participants, and the knowledge score of the medical staff who engaged in respiratory therapy was higher than that of the non-full-time medical staff, with statistical significance (P<0.05). Among the prevention and control behaviors of respiratory treatment-related infections, the standardized use rate of personal protective measures was 100%, and the three lowest use rates of respiratory treatment professional equipment and materials were: Non-invasive ventilation uses semi-automatic humidification tank with closed automatic water refill function or self-made, non-invasive ventilation uses closed mask + bacterial filter + exhalation valve connection mode, and dedicated atomizing device adoption rate.【Conclusion】The knowledge of infection prevention and control related to respiratory therapy is generally well mastered by clinical front-line medical staff, but the implementation rate of infection prevention and control behavior needs to be improved.
毛淑贞, 文辉, 刘智群, 刘晓华, 高敏, 袁霞. 临床医务人员呼吸治疗相关感染防控知识与行为调查分析*[J]. 医学临床研究, 2024, 41(11): 1661-1664.
MAO Shuzhen, WEN Hui, LIU Zhiqun, et al. Investigation and Analysis of Knowledge and Behavior of Respiratory Treatment-related Infection Prevention and Control among Clinical Medical Staff. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL RESEARCH, 2024, 41(11): 1661-1664.
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