Comparative Study on the Influence of Postoperative Chronic Pain of Three Types of Adult Inguinal Hernia Surgery and their Effects on the Operation Area |
ZOU Yong-hong, TIAN Rui-xue |
Shandong Provincial Third Hospital, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Jinan 250031 |
Abstract 【Objective】 To compare the efficacy of laparoscopic transperitoneal preperitoneal hernia repair (TAPP), laparoscopic total extraperitoneal patch repair (TEP) and Lichtenstein repair (LI) in the treatment of adult inguinal hernia and the effect of operation on postoperative chronic pain. 【Methods】 The clinical data of 297 patients with inguinal hernia who underwent surgery for the first time in our hospital from January 2015 to January 2019 were analyzed retrospectively, and the clinical effects of the three groups were compared. 【Results】 Among the 297 patients in this study, there were 110 in the LI group, 127 in the TAPP group and 60 in the TEP group. There was no significant difference in preoperative general conditions among the three groups. There was no significant difference in operation time, intraoperative bleeding and the first time out of bed after operation among the three groups. The postoperative hospital stay in the LI group was significantly longer than that in the TAPP group and the TEP group (P=0.032). The postoperative time of incision fat liquefaction (P=0.047) and the incidence of chronic pain in the operation area (P=0.045) were significantly higher than those in the TAPP group and the TEP group. 【Conclusion】Compared with the traditional open operation, TAPP and TEP hernia repair are effective methods for the treatment of adult inguinal hernia. They have fast postoperative recovery and less incidence of chronic pain in the postoperative area, which is worthy of clinical application.
Received: 09 July 2021
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