Effect of Levodopa combined with Carbaratin on Cognitive Impairment, Motor Function and Balance Function in Parkinson's Disease |
MI Wan-jun, CHANG Lin |
Department of Neurology, Weinan Central Hospital, Shaanxi Weinan, 714300, China |
Abstract 【Objective】 To investigate the effect of levodopa combined with carbaratin on cognitive impairment, motor function and balance function in Parkinson's disease. 【Methods】 A total of 86 PD patients treated in our hospital from June 2016 to August 2018 were selected as the study subjects and randomly divided into control and observation groups by random number table method, with 43 patients in each group.Patients in the control group were treated with levodopa, and patients in the observation group were treated with levodopa combined with carbaratin continuously for 6 months.The time to clinical improvement, cognitive, motor, and balance function scores, tendon reflexes, muscle tone, and muscle spasms scores, and adverse effects were compared between the two groups. 【Results】 After treatment, patients in the observation group had significantly less time to improvement in clinical symptoms (myotonia, bradykinesia, resting tremor and postural walking disorders) than those in the control group (P<0.05); the Alzheimer's disease assessment scale cognitive subscale (ADAS COG) and Unified Parkinson's disease assessment scale Part Ⅲ(UPDRS Ⅲ) scores were reduced in both groups, and were significantly lower in the observation group than in the control group (P<0.05);Berg Balance Function Scale scores were significantly higher in both groups, and significantly higher in the observation group (P<0.05);Tendon reflexes, muscle tone, and muscle spasticity scores were reduced in both groups, and were significantly lower in the observation group than that in the control group (P<0.05);the incidence of adverse events in the observation group was 11.61%, which was significantly lower than that in the control group (32.54%)(P<0.05).【Conclusion】 The use of levodopa plus carbaratinin patients with Parkinson's disease has definite efficacy, can significantly improve patients' cognitive impairment, motor function, and balance function, and the safety profile is also high, which warrants clinical promotion.
Received: 15 October 2019
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