Expression and Significance of Natural Killer T Cells, Transcription Factor ROR γt and Foxp3 in Peripheral Blood of Patients with Vitiligo |
WANG Xiao-yuan, CAO Wei, WANG Ying-juan, et al |
Department of Dermatology,Baoji Central Hospital,Baoji Shaanxi 721000 |
Abstract 【Objective】 To investigate the expression and significance of natural killer T cells (NK-T) , RORγt and Foxp3 in peripheral blood of patients with vitiligo.【Methods】 A total of 89 patients with vitiligo diagnosed and treated in our hospital from April 2019 to May 2021 (observation group) were selected, and 36 healthy volunteers (control group) who were examined in our hospital at the same time were selected. The levels of NK-T, RORγt mRNA and Foxp3 mRNA in peripheral blood of the two groups of subjects were detected and compared ; The levels of peripheral blood NK-T, RORγt mRNA and Foxp3 mRNA of vitiligo patients with different disease stages, disease types and skin lesion areas were compared. Correlation of the skin lesion area, NK-T , RORγt mRNA and Foxp3 mRNA levels were analyzed.【Results】 The level of the peripheral blood of RORγt mRNA in patients the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group.The levels of NK-T and Foxp3 mRNA were significantly lower than those in the control group,the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); Compared with the stable period, the level of the RORγt mRNA of patients in the advanced stage is high; The levels of NK-T and Foxp3 mRNA were lower, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); Among patients with vitiligo of different disease types, there was a statistically significant difference between the levels of NK-T, RORγt mRNA and Foxp3 mRNA (P<0.05); Between different lesion areas, there was a statistically significant difference between the levels of NK-T, RORγt mRNA and Foxp3 mRNA (P<0.05). There was a positive correlation between RORγt mRNA and lesion area (rs=0.509, P<0.05). NK-T and Foxp3 mRNA were negatively correlated with lesion area (rs=-0.348,rs=-0.307, P<0.05).【Conclusion】 The abnormal levels of NK-T, RORγt mRNA and Foxp3 mRNA in peripheral blood are closely related to the onset and development of vitiligo, and the skin lesion area of vitiligo is positively correlated with RORγt mRNA, and negatively correlated with NK-T and Foxp3 mRNA.
Received: 14 June 2022
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