Risk Factors of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia in Stroke Patients in ICU |
CHEN Cui, GUO Wei, TAO Xiao-gen |
Department of intensive care unit, The First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei, Anhui 230036 |
Abstract 【Objective】To explore the risk factors of ventilator-associated pneumonia in ICU stroke patients in order to provide knowledge for improving the prognosis of stroke patients.【Methods】Clinical data of 119 patients with mechanical ventilation stroke from June 2016 to June 2018 in the intensive care department of the southern district of Anhui provincial hospital were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were divided into 60 patients in the VAP group and 59 patients in the non-vap group (control group) according to the occurrence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Gender, age, underlying disease, albumin, lymphocyte absolute value, GCS scores, APACHEⅡ scores, swallowing function, surgical treatment, broad-spectrum antibiotics, hormones, vasoactive drugs, sedatives and acid inhibitors were compared between the two groups. Multivariate regression analysis was performed on the indicators with statistically significant differences between the two groups to analyze the risk factors of VAP during mechanical ventilation in ICU stroke patients. 【Results】Age, APACHEⅡ scores, GCS scores, dysphagia, accompaniment with chronic diseases, use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, sedatives and antacids in patients with stroke in the VAP group showed statistically significant differences from the control group (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the VAP group and the control group in terms of gender, albumin, lymphocyte absolute value, surgical treatment or not, broad-spectrum antibiotics, hormones and vasoactive drugs (P>0.05). Multivariate regression analysis showed that the occurrence of stroke VAP was associated with advanced age, chronic underlying disease, dysphagia, low GCS scores and high APACHEⅡ scores, sedation and acid suppressant application. 【Conclusions】 Elderly age, accompaniment with chronic diseases, swallowing dysfunction, low GCS scores and high APACHEⅡ scores, use of sedatives and antacids are risk factors for VAP in stroke patients and should be prevented.
Received: 25 December 2018
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