Diagnostic Value of Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound in Adrenal Mass-occupying Lesions |
ZHOU Shan, XU Chang-song, CHEN Jing, et al |
The First Affiliated Huai'an Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Huai'an 223300, China |
Abstract 【Objective】To investigate the value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in the diagnosis of adrenal mass-occupying lesions. 【Methods】A total of 27 patients with adrenal mass-occupying lesions who received both routine ultrasound and CEUS in our hospital were collected for the study.The ultrasound findings and angiographic features were observed and compared. 【Results】Among the 27 adrenal space-occupying lesions, 14 cases occurred on the left and 13 cases existed on the right. There were 11 cases of cortical adenoma, 1 case of hyperplasia, 4 cases of pheochromocytoma, 2 cases of myeloid lipoma, 6 cases of cysts, and 1 case of solitary fibroma, 1 case of cortical adenocarcinoma and 1 case of lymphoma. The difference of the size of adenoma and non-adenomas was statistically significant; the difference in size of benign and malignant lesions was statistically significant as well (P<0.05). According to time-intensity perfusion type and perfusion intensity characteristics, adrenal mass-occupying lesions were classified. Of the 11 adenomas, 9 cases belonged to type 2 and 2 cases belonged to type 3; in which 2 cases were rich in blood supply and 9 cases were poor in blood supply. Of the 16 non-adenomas, 2 cases were type 1, 5 cases of type 2, 3 cases of type 3 and 6 cases of type 4; in which 4 cases were rich in blood supply, 6 cases were lack of blood supply and 6 cases showed no blood supply. The difference between adenoma and non-adenomas was statistically significant (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】Contrast-enhanced ultrasound shows the blood supply of adrenal mass-occupying lesions that makes up for the deficiency of conventional ultrasound.
Received: 31 May 2019
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