Value of Ultrasonic Parameters and ET-1 on Arteriovenous Fistula Maturity in Patients Post Arteriovenous Fistula Surgery |
WANG Lei, BIAN Lili |
Color Ultrasonic Room,The Fifth Hospital of Yulin City, Yulin Shaanxi 719000 |
Abstract 【Objective】To explore the evaluative value of ultrasonic parameters in conjunction with Endothelin-1(ET-1) on the maturity of arteriovenous fistulas in patients with post arteriovenous fistula surgery. 【Methods】A retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 82 patients who underwent arteriovenous fistula surgery at The Fifth Hospital of Yulin City from August 2020 to August 2022. Patients were divided into the mature group (71 cases) and the immature group (11 cases) based on the maturity of the fistula. Preoperative and postoperative 8-week radial artery hemodynamic indicators [Peak Systolic Velocity (PSV), End-Diastolic Velocity (EDV), Resistive Index (RI)], radial artery diameter (RAD) and blood flow volume (RVF), cephalic vein diameter (CVD) and blood flow volume (CVF), and ET-1 levels were compared between the two groups. The predictive value of RAD, RVF, PSV, EDV, ET-1,and RI on the maturity of arteriovenous fistulas post-surgery was analyzed using the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. The predictive efficacy of the combination of RAD, RVF, PSV, EDV, RI, and ET-1 on arteriovenous fistula maturity was assessed using consistency analysis. 【Results】 Preoperatively and at 8 weeks postoperatively, the mature group had significantly higher levels of RAD, RVF, PSV, EDV, and ET-1 (P<0.05), and a significantly lower RI (P<0.05) compared to the immature group. ROC curve analysis confirmed that RAD, RVF, PSV, EDV, RI 、ET-1 could be used to predict the maturity of fistulas with areas under the curve of 0.757, 0.814, 0.841, 0.762, 0.789, 0.855, respectively. Furthermore, the area under the curve, sensitivity and specificity of the combined prediction were 0.918, 0.986 and 0.909, respectively. The efficiency of the all indexes combined prediction was higher than that of the single detection. 【Conclusion】Ultrasonic measurement parameters combined with ET-1 can be used for the assessment of arteriovenous fistula maturity post-surgery and have clinical applicative value.
Received: 23 March 2023
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