Clinical Value of Colposcopy Negative Quadrant Biopsy, ECC and TCT Combined Detection in the Diagnosis of High-grade Cervical Lesions |
PAN Lin, SUN Li, SONG Wen-rong |
Department of Gynecology, Beijing Hepingli hospital, Beijing 100013 |
Abstract 【Objective】To investigate the diagnostic value of colposcopy negative quadrant biopsy, cervical curettage (ECC) and liquid based thin layer cell assay (TCT) in high-grade cervical lesions (HSIL+). 【Methods】A total of 185 patients with abnormal pedestrian papillomavirus (HPV) screening in our hospital from March 2020 to March 2021 were selected as the research objects. They need to further undergo colposcopy negative quadrant biopsy, ECC and TCT. All patients underwent cervical conization for histopathological examination. Taking the histopathological examination results after cervical conization as the gold standard, the consistency between colposcopy negative quadrant biopsy, ECC, TCT alone and combined diagnosis of HSIL+ and pathological diagnosis was analyzed. 【Results】 Among 185 patients, 33 cases of LSIL (CINI) and 152 cases of HSIL+ were detected by histopathological diagnosis after cervical conization. The positive rate of HSIL+ was 82.16% (152/185); The coincidence rate between the results of colposcopy negative quadrant biopsy and histopathological diagnosis after cervical conization was 72.43%, with moderate consistency (Kappa value was 0.607); The coincidence rate between ECC and histopathological diagnosis after cervical conization was 85.95% (Kappa value 0.799); The coincidence rate between TCT and histopathological diagnosis after cervical conization was 80.00%, which was highly consistent (Kappa value was 0.715); The coincidence rate between the results of colposcopy negative quadrant biopsy, ECC and TCT and the histopathological diagnosis after cervical conization was 94.59%, which was highly consistent (Kappa value was 0.922). 【Conclusion】 Colposcopy negative quadrant biopsy, ECC and TCT are reliable methods for the diagnosis of HSIL+, and the combined examination of the three methods is helpful to improve the detection rate and diagnostic accuracy of HSIL+.
Received: 05 July 2021
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