Effect of Endotracheal Intubation on Oxygen Saturation of Up-Internal Jugular Vein in Patients of Different Ages |
FEI Jian-ping, ZHAO Ying, JIN Wei-lin, et al |
Kunshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jiangsu,215300 China) |
Abstract 【Objective】 To investigate the effect of endotracheal intubation on cerebral blood flow and cerebral oxygen balance in patients of different ages. 【Methods】 Seventy ASAⅠ-Ⅱpatients were divided into young group (Y group,n42) and old group (O group,n28), The up-internal jugular vein puncture was performed under the guidance of ultrasound at the time of entering the operation groom (T0), 3 min (T1)、 10 min (T2)、 20 min (T3) after tracheal intubation, 20 min (T4) after operation and 20 min (T5) after extubation. The up-internal jugular vein oxygen partial pressure (upPvO2)、 up-internal jugular vein oxygen saturation (upSvO2)、 up-internal jugular vein carbon dioxide partial pressure (upPvCO2)、 up-internal jugular vein lactic acid (upvLac) and up-internal jugular vein glucose (Gluv) were compared. 【Results】 From T0 to T5, the changes of upPvO2 and upSvO2 in the two groups were consistent, After intubation, it was increased fast and then decreased and increased again during operation. Compared with group Y, upPvO2 and upSvO2 increased significantly at T1-T3 in group O (P<0.05), and upPvCO2 increased significantly at T2-T4 in group O (P<0.05). From T0 to T5, upvLac decreased continuously in both groups, Compared with group O, upvLac in group Y decreased significantly at T5 (P<0.05);At T0-T5, the Gluv of group O was higher than that of group Y (P<0.01). 【Conclusion】 The peak value of upPvO2 and upSvO2 after tracheal intubation in elderly patients reflects the rapid increase of cerebral blood flow and cerebral hyperperfusion, which is related to the impairment of cerebrovascular autoregulation in elderly patients。It is particularly important to maintain hemodynamic stability in elderly patients during anesthesia induction.
Received: 25 January 2021
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