Survey on AIDS-related Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior in Students from Three Universities in Changsha |
HUANG Tao, LI Pei-hui, WU Xing-rong, et al |
The fourth hospital of Changsha/Changsha hospital of Hunan Normal University, Hunan Changsha 410006, China |
Abstract 【Objective】To evaluate the awareness rate of AIDS-related knowledge in students from three universities in Changsha, and to understand the risk prediction ability for AIDS and the incidence of AIDS related behaviors in college students. 【Methods】A random sampling method was used to select students from three universities in Changsha to conduct cross-section anonymous self-filled questionnaires. The survey included college students' awareness of basic AIDS knowledge, transmission routes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment, attitudes to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected persons and AIDS patients, and the impact on the HIV infection risk of personal behavior. SPSS21.0 software was used to process and analyze the data.【Results】AIDS caused by HIV showed the highest awareness rate (93.6%). The overall awareness rate of the surveyed college students about:AIDS was cqused by the HIV was 93.6%. "HIV infected people will definitely develop into AIDS patients" was only 24.7%. The awareness rate of "Can sharing meals with AIDS patients be infected" in men was 89.4%, which was higher than that in women(83.2%). The awareness of "The correct use of condoms can prevent AIDS" was low at 68.6%. Among multiple AIDS related knowledge issues, the awareness rate of non-liberal arts students was significantly higher than that of liberal arts students (P<0.05). However, in the two specific issues, " Willingness to go the hospital to check for STDs after unclean sexual behavior, " and "Willingness to participate in publicity activities of AIDS prevention and control ", the positive willingness of liberal arts students was significantly higher than that of non-liberal arts students (P<0.05). Among the 579 students, 134 of them had sexual intercourse, accounting for 23.1%. 【Conclusion】The overall level of awareness of AIDS among college students in Changsha is about the average level. It is necessary to adopt the targeted education and behavioral intervention measures according to the characteristics of different majors.
Received: 26 April 2020
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