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JOURNAL OF CLINICAL RESEARCH  2019, Vol. 36 Issue (5): 927-929    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-7171.2019.05.032
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Diagnostic Value of Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid Albumin and IgG in Neurosyphilis
CHEN Jun-xian, LI yi, SUN Lei
Department of Neurology,Leshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Leshan Sichuan 614000 China
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Abstract  【Objective】To explore the clinical diagnostic value of serum and cerebrospinal fluid albumin and IgG in neurosyphilis.【Methods】Thirty patients with Treponema pallidum antibody gelatin granule agglutination test (TPPA) positive were selected as the research objects. According to the results of TRUST and TRUST Laboratory of cerebrospinal fluid, they were divided into 10 cases of the syphilis cure group, 12 cases of the syphilis unhealed group and 8 cases of the neurosyphilis group. Albumin and IgG in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of the three groups were detected, and albumin index, IgG index and IgG synthesis rate of the three groups were compared.【Results】The albumin index, cerebrospinal fluid IgG index and IgG synthesis rate of the cured syphilis group were (5.32±1.15), (0.56±0.07), (0.78±1.28) mg/d, while those of the uncured syphilis group were (6.25±2.24), (0.60±0.13), (4.54±1.70) mg/d, and those of the neurosyphilis group were (20.92±10.65), (2.81±1.86), (86.43±5.91) mg/d, respectively. The values of each index in the neurosyphilis group were significantly higher than those in the other two groups (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference between the cured group and the unhealed group (P>0.05).【Conclusion】Albumin index, IgG index and IgG synthesis rate are significantly increased in the neurosyphilis group, which provides a basis for early diagnosis and treatment of neurosyphilis.
Key wordsNeurosyphilis/DI      Proteins     
Received: 27 November 2017     
PACS:  R759.13  
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CHEN Jun-xian
LI yi
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CHEN Jun-xian,LI yi,SUN Lei. Diagnostic Value of Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid Albumin and IgG in Neurosyphilis[J]. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL RESEARCH, 2019, 36(5): 927-929.
http://journal07.magtech.org.cn/yxlcyj/EN/10.3969/j.issn.1671-7171.2019.05.032     OR     http://journal07.magtech.org.cn/yxlcyj/EN/Y2019/V36/I5/927
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