Abstract:【Objective】To evaluate the clinical effect of B-ultrasound real-time guided arteriovenous puncture in surgical treatment of congenital heart disease in infants. 【Methods】In this research, 70 cases of infants with congenital heart disease to receive catheterization for arteriovenous puncture with elective surgery are selected, including 36 boys and 34 girls aged 0~1, ASA classification Ⅱ~Ⅲ. Cases are divided by random number table into an ultrosound group and an anatomical group, each of 35 patients: the ultrasound group with ultrasonic short axis/out-of-plane location of radial artery and jugular vein; the anatomical group, using the traditional anatomical positioning method to locate radial artery and jugular vein for catheterization. 【Results】Radial artery puncture: the ultrasound group showed shorter total puncture time, fewer total puncture times and smaller number of puncture needles used than the anatomical group; the anatomical group showed more cases of arterial hematoma, hemorrhage and other complications than the ultrasound group; all the above differences were statistically significant. Internal jugular vein puncture: the overall success rate and first-time success rate of internal jugular vein catheterization on the right side of infants in the ultrasound group were higher than those of the anatomical group, with puncture time longer than the anatomical group but needle insertion times and puncturing points fewer than the anatomical group. The incidence of mis-operation into arteries in the ultrasound group was significantly lower than the anatomical group. All the above differences were statistically significant. 【Conclusion】 Compared with the traditional blind catheterization method, B-ultrasound guided arteriovenous puncture in surgical treatment of congenital heart disease in infants shows higher success rate and fewer complications and saves more time for rescue. Therefore, it is worth widespread application in clinical practice.
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