Study on the Relationship of Quality of Life with Sense of Life Meaning and Attitudes toward Death in Elderly Patients with Liver Cancer |
GAO Dan, ZHANG Minmin, ZHANG Weili |
Department of Internal Medicine,the Fifth People's Hospital of Anyang,Anyang Henan 455000 |
Abstract 【Objective】 To explore the impact of the sense of life meaning and attitudes toward death on the quality of life of elderly patients with liver cancer. 【Methods】 A total of 97 elderly liver cancer patients were surveyed using a general information questionnaire, the Quality of Life Measurement Scale for Liver Cancer Patients (QOL-LC), the Chinese Version of the Meaning of Life Questionnaire (C-MLQ), and the Death Attitude Profile-Revised (DAP-R). Correlation analyses were performed on the patients' quality of life, sense of life meaning, and attitudes toward death. 【Results】 The total quality of life score for the 97 patients was (121.14±24.87), with a sense of life meaning score of (40.76±8.04). The scores for acceptance of death in the natural dimension were (15.68±3.49), avoidance dimension (15.47±3.74), escape acceptance dimension (14.49±2.87), fear dimension (13.29±3.61), and approach acceptance dimension (12.31±3.02). The assessment of life meaning in elderly liver cancer patients showed a significant positive correlation with quality of life (P<0.05). The scores of the four dimensions (avoidance, escape, fear, and approach acceptance) regarding attitudes toward death were significantly negatively correlated with quality of life (P<0.05). Conversely, the score for natural acceptance of death was significantly positively correlated with quality of life (P<0.05).【Conclusion】 The quality of life in elderly liver cancer patients is positively correlated with their sense of life meaning and natural acceptance of death, while it is negatively correlated with negative attitudes toward death, such as avoidance and fear. Clinical treatment should strengthen attention to and intervention in patients' psychological states to improve their quality of life.
Received: 21 May 2024
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