Qualitative Study on Cancer Pain Experience and Expectation of Cancer Pain Management of Patients with Lung Cancer |
CHENG Jie, SHI Ruyi, XU Jingjing, et al |
Department of Oncology, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University Medical College, Shanghai 200433 |
Abstract 【Objective】To explore the cancer pain experience and expectations of cancer pain management in patients with lung cancer.【Methods】A total of 17 patients with lung cancer pain who were hospitalized in our hospital from March to October 2022 were selected and semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted. It was to understand and record the experience of cancer pain and expectations for cancer pain management. The Giorgio six step method was used to analyze and sort out the data for refining the theme.【Results】The experience of cancer pain in patients with lung cancer can be divided into four themes: Patients had varying degrees of cancer pain; Cancer pain had a great impact on patients; Patients had insufficient cognition and response to cancer pain, including pain tolerance, guilt, misunderstanding of pain relief treatment and lack of patients' ability to cope with cancer pain; Patients expected more attention and support to better manage pain.【Conclusion】The current situation of cancer pain experience in patients with lung cancer is not optimistic. We should pay attention to the experience of cancer pain in patients with lung cancer, pay attention to the treatment of cancer pain, strengthen patients' health education, improve the ability of cancer pain management, improve the social support system, and enhance the ability of home care. Finally, improve the quality of life of patients.
Received: 04 July 2023
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