Effect of Internal Iliac Artery Balloon Intervention on Blood Loss during Cesarean Section in Patients with Placenta Previa |
DU Yuxia, ZHANG Keke, WEI Fanyan |
Department of Obstetrics,Xi'an International Medical Center Hospital,Xi'an Shaanxi 710000 |
Abstract 【Objective】To investigate the effects of internal iliac artery balloon occlusion on intraoperative blood loss in patients with placenta previa undergoing cesarean section.【Methods】A total of 86 patients with placenta previa treated in our department from December 2020 to June 2022 were chosen as research subjects and randomly divided into the observation and the control groups,each group comprising 43 cases. The observation group underwent internal iliac artery balloon occlusion,while the control group used localized suturing,intrauterine packing,and other hemostatic measures,and if necessary,bilateral internal iliac or uterine artery embolization,or hysterectomy. The perioperative indicators (operation time,intraoperative blood loss,transfusion volume,postoperative hemoglobin levels,and hospitalization duration),the incidence of complications during hospitalization,newborn conditions (1-min and 5-min Apgar scores,height,weight,and incidence of asphyxia),and pre-and postoperative serum inflammatory markers (IL-6,CRP,TNF-α) were compared between the two groups.【Results】There was no statistically significant difference in operation time between the two groups (P>0.05). The observation group had significantly lower intraoperative blood loss,transfusion volume,and length of hospital stay,but higher postoperative hemoglobin levels compared to the control group (P<0.05). No significant differences were observed in pre-and post-operative serum IL-6,CRP,and TNF-α levels between the two groups (P>0.05). However,both groups had significantly elevated levels of IL-6,CRP,and TNF-α postoperatively compared to preoperatively (P<0.05). The newborn conditions,including 1-min and 5-min Apgar scores,height,weight,and incidence of asphyxia,showed no significant differences between the two groups (P>0.05). The incidence of complications during hospitalization was significantly lower in the observation group (13.95%) than in the control group (39.53%) (P<0.05).【Conclusion】Internal iliac artery balloon occlusion effectively reduces intraoperative blood loss,transfusion volume,and postoperative complication rates in patients with placenta previa undergoing cesarean section,with a high level of safety.
Received: 19 October 2022
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