Efficacy of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Combined with GnRH-a and LNG-IUS in the Treatment of Adenomyoma |
LI Xiao-xiao, ZHANG Yi-qun, CHEN Jin-yun,et al |
Postgraduate Training Base of Jinzhou Medical University,Taihe Hospital in Shiyan,Shiyan Hubei 442000 |
Abstract 【Objective】To explore the clinical efficacy of high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) combined with Ganodotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a)and levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine system(LNG-IUS) in the treatment of uterine adenomyoma. 【Methods】In this study,201 patients with adenomyoma of uterus who were hospitalized in Taihe Hospital of Shiyan city from October 2019 to November 2021 were selected and divided into three groups:HIFU alone group (Group A,n=62),HIFU combined with LNG-IUS group (Group B,n=68) and HIFU combined with GnRH-a and LNG-IUS group (Group C,n=71).The ablation rates of lesions on MRI before treatment and on the first day after treatment were compared in the three groups. Levels of uterine volume,hemoglobin,visual analogue scale (VAS) and CA125 were compared before treatment and 1,3,6,12 months after treatment. 【Results】There were no significant differences in the ablation rates among the three groups (P>0.05). After 1,3,6 and 12 months of treatment,the uterine volume,dysmenorrhea VAS score,and CA125 level in all three groups were lower than those before treatment,while the hemoglobin value was higher than that before treatment. After 6 and 12 months of treatment,the uterine volume,dysmenorrhea VAS score and CA125 level in Group C were significantly lower than those in Group A and B (P<0.05),but there was no significant difference between Group A and group B (P>0.05). The hemoglobin value of Group C was higher than that of Group A and group B after treatment (P<0.05),however,there was no significant difference between Group A and group B (P >0.05). 【Conclusion】HIFU alone,HIFU combined with LNG-IUS and HIFU combined with GnRH-a and LNG-IUS are all safe and effective in the treatment of uterine adenomyoma. However,the therapeutic effect of HIFU combined with both GnRH-a and LNG-IUS is much better than that of HIFU alone and HIFU combined with LNG-IUS,while its recurrence rate was lower than that of HIFU alone and HIFU combined with LNG-IUS.
Received: 29 June 2022
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