Effect of Intra-articular Injection of Sodium Hyaluronate on Serum TNF- α ,COX-2 expression and VAS scorein Patients with Scapulohumeral Periarthritis |
LIN Guang-sheng, YANG Wang-li |
Deptment of Orthopaedics, Yan'an People's Hospital, Yan'an 716000 |
Abstract 【Objective】To investigate the effect of intra-articular injection of sodium hyaluronate on serum tumor necrosis factor in patients with scapulohumeral periarthritis- α(TNF-α),Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression and pain visual analogue scale (VAS). 【Methods】A total of 160 patients with Scapulohumeral Periarthritis treated in the pain department of our hospital from March 2017 to March 2020 was randomly divided into control group (n=80) and observation group (n=80). The control group was treated with routine treatment, and the observation group was treated with intra-articular sodium hyaluronate injection on the basis of the control group. After one month of treatment, the clinical efficacy (effective rate) and TNF -α, COX-2, VAS score and active range of motion (AROM) of shoulder jointbefore and after treatment were compared between the two groups.【Results】The clinical effective rate of the observation group was better than that of the control group (85.00% vs 62.50%), χ2=10.460, P<0.05), the scores of COX-2 and VAS in the observation group were significantly improved compared with those in the control group [(12.47±2.33) pg/mL vs (16.67±3.43)pg/mL, (1.42±1.10)score vs (2.34±1.31)score, P<0.05]; The AROM of shoulder flexion, extension and abduction in the observation group was significantly improved compared with that in the control group [(161.14±18.33)° vs (145.67±14.45)°, (50.25±6.57)° vs (38.64±7.40)°, (133.20±14.37)° vs (124.36±14.07)°, P<0.05]. There was no significant difference TNF-αof two groups [(29.32±10.10)pg/mL vs (31.64±9.31)pg/mL,P>0.05]. 【Conclusion】Intra-articular sodium hyaluronate injection can effectively inhibit the inflammatory response, improve the pain symptoms and joint activity dysfunction in patients with scapulohumeral periarthritis.
Received: 02 April 2021
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