Correlation between the Anisakis Species-Specific IgE Positive and High-risk Pregnancy |
LI Lan, CHEN Xiao-lan, LIU Tong |
Obstetrics & Gynecology Dept. Wuhan Fifth Hospital,Wuhan,Hubei,430050 |
Abstract 【Objective】 To investigate the association between the Anisakis species-specific IgE and high-risk pregnancy.【Methods】 A total of 738 maternal who admitted to Wuhan fifth hospital from January 2017 to December 2019 diagnosed as high-risk pregnancy were selected as the study group, 500 healthy women were selected as the control group. The basic data of the maternal and the neonatal outcome were collected, with venous blood was collected and the presence of specific anti Anisakis IgE antibodies was detected. The differences in the maternal basic data and neonatal outcomes between two groups were compared and the related factors for the presence of specific anti Anisakis IgE antibodies were investigated.【Results】The proportion of IgE positive patients in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group [183 (24.8%) vs. 100 (20.0%), P=0.049]. The average age of women in the IgE-positive group was significantly older than that of the IgE-negative group, the proportion of women who received natural delivery was significantly lower and the rate of first birth was significantly lower in the IgE-positive group, the postpartum hospital stay was significantly longer and the times of inspection during pregnancy was significantly less in the IgE-positive group . Among the newborns who were delivered by IgE-positive women, the weight and gestational age were significantly less and the proportion of NICU was significantly higher than in the IgE-negative group. There was a significant correlation between IgE positive and high-risk pregnancy.【Conclusion】High-risk pregnancy is an independent risk factor for pregnant women infected by Anisakis with IgE antibody positive, which affects pregnancy outcomes.
Received: 21 February 2019
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