Effects of Enalapril Maleate Folic Acid Tablets Combined with Mild Hypothermia on Vascular Endothelial Function, Nerve Function Defect and Prognosis in Patients with H Type Hypertension Ischemic Stroke |
The People's Hospital of Hejiang County, Sichuan Province, Hexijiang, Sichuan 646200 |
Abstract 【Objective】To investigate the effect of folic acid tablets of enalapril maleate combined with mild hypothermia on clinical indexes in patients with H type hypertensive ischemic stroke.【Methods】From January 2015 to January 2016, 88 patients with H type hypertensive ischemic stroke were selected. The patients were divided into control group (mild hypothermia enalapril maleate tablet) and observation group (44 cases each for 3 months) by random number method. After the course of treatment, the changes of ambulatory blood pressure, plasma homocysteine, IL-24, platelet α granule membrane protein-140 (GMP-140), platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), endothelial function [ET-1, nitric oxide], vascular endothelial function were detected before and after treatment. NIHSS and modified Rankin scale were used to evaluate the recent neurological impairment and prognosis.【Results】The levels of 24hSBP, 24hDBP, daytimeSBP, daytimeDBP, nocturnal SBP and nocturnal DBP in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group (P<0.05). After treatment, the level of Hcy, PDGF, GMP-140, and IL-24 and NO were higher than those of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The NIHSS score in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group after treatment. The proportion of mRS ≥ 2 was 70.45%, which was significantly higher than that of the control group (47.73%, P<0.05).【Conclusion】Folic acid tablets of enalapril maleate combined with mild hypothermia on clinical indexes in patients with H type hypertensive ischemic stroke can lower the level of Hcy in patients with blood pressure. It can also inhibit abnormal platelet activation, improve vascular endothelial function, alleviate neurological deficit and improve short-term prognosis.
Received: 19 June 2017
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