Clinical Comparison of Laparoscopic and Traditional Trans-ventral Operation in the Treatment of Early Endometrial Cancer |
ZHAO Jiao,WANG Xiao-bin |
Cancer Hospital of China Medical University&Liaoning Cancer Hospital, Shenyang, Liaoning 110042, China |
Abstract 【Objective】To clinically compare of laparoscopic surgery and traditional trans-ventral surgery in the treatment of early endometrial cancer.【Methods】A total of 96 patients with endometrial cancer undergoing hysterectomy in our hospital from April 2014 to April 2016 were selected and divided into two groups randomly: the traditional trans-ventral group and the laparoscopic group, with 48 cases in each group. All study subjects were given general anesthesia and routine sterilization. The patients of the traditional trans-ventral group received traditional trans-ventral operation, while the patients of laparoscopic group received laparoscopic surgery . The operation duration, total operative bleeding volume, postoperative exhaustion time, length of hospital stay, complication and recurrence rate after surgery of the two groups were compared and analyzed.【Results】The operation duration of laparoscopic group was (80.67±12.11)min, while that of the traditional transventral operation was (119.69±18.64)min. The total loss of blood during operation in the laparoscopic group was less than that of traditional trans-ventral group. Both the postoperative exhaustion time and length of hospital stay of the laparoscopic group were much shorter than those of the traditional trans-ventral group; the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).The incidence of intraoperative complications (bladder injury, bowel injury, etc.) in the laparoscopic group was 2.0% (1/48), which was significantly lower than that in the traditional trans-ventral surgery group (16.7%, 8/48). Postoperative complications (venous thrombosis, ureteral fistula, incision infection, distant metastasis, etc.) and recurrence rate of the two groups showed no significant difference (P>0.05).【Conclusion】In the treatment of early endometrial cancer, laparoscopic surgery is superior to the traditional trans-ventral surgery in operation duration, total operative bleeding volume, and intraoperative complication rate. .The complication after operation and recurrence rate of two operation methods are essentially the same..
Received: 28 August 2017
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