Observation on Effects of Quality Control Circle Activity on Negative Emotion and Pain Degree of Patients with Trauma in Emergency Department |
WANG Dao-qin |
Department of Emergency, Dazhou Central Hospital, Dazhou, Sichuan 635000, China |
Abstract 【Objective】To analyze the effects of quality control circle activity on improving the negative emotion and pain degree of the patients with car accident trauma in the emergency department. 【Methods】A total of 5492 cases of car accident trauma in the Department of Emergency in our hospital during November 2015~2016 October were collected as the research object. During this period, our hospital developed the quality control circle (QCC) activity.Comparison of negative emotion, degree of pain and intangible achievement index among car accident trauma patients before and after the QCC activity was analyzed. 【Results】Patients' anxiety (SAS) and depression (SDS) scores after QCC activity were significantly lower than those before QCC activity (P<0.01). The average level of pain and the most severe degree of pain after QCC were significantly lower than before (P<0.01). After QCC activity, cohesion of the nursing staff team, sense of responsibility, problem-solving skills, quality management methods, harmonious degree score were significantly higher than before (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】The quality control circle activity is helpful to alleviate the negative emotion and degree of pain of the patients with trauma in the emergency department, and to enhance team cohesion and improve the quality of nursing.
Received: 17 March 2017
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