Clinical Research on Ten Blindly Ginseng and Astragalus Capsule in the Failure of Two Qi Type of Digestive Tract Malignant Tumor after Chemotherapy |
WU Wen-bo, SUN Li-zheng |
The Tumor Hospital of Linyi 276001 |
Abstract 【Objective】 To explore the clinical effects of Ten blindly ginseng and astragalus capsule on the two qi type of digestive tract malignant tumor after chemotherapy. 【Methods】 Ninety cases of patients with the failure of two qi type of digestive tract malignant tumor treated in our hospital were selected and were divided randomly into the observation group and the control group,45 cases in each group. The two groups of patients were given chemotherapy treatment. The control group was given with the shark liver alcohol drug for treatment, while the observation group was given with shark liver alcohol plus ten blindly ginseng and astragalus capsule drug therapy. The quality of life, the main side reactions of drug and the decrease in the white blood cell count of the two groups were compared. 【Results】The total effective rate of the observation group 73.33% (33/45) was higher than that the control group 42.22% (19/45) (P<0.05); White blood cells of the two groups decreased on the different degrees after treatment, but the decrease ratio in the control group was obviously higher than that of the observation group, the difference was significant (P<0.05). The quality of life of patients in the observation group was obviously higher than that of the control group after treatment (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】The Ten blindly ginseng and astragalus capsule can reduce the side effects on patients with the failure of two qi type of digestive tract malignant tumor after chemotherapy by improving the quality of life of patients and is worth clinical application .
Received: 19 October 2016
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