Analysis of Related Factors of Three Common Cerebrovascular Diseases |
ZHANG Qiong-yu, DONG Xiao-yu, NAO Jian-fei |
Department of Neurology,Shengjing Hospital Affiliated of China Medical University,shenyang110004,China |
Abstract 【Objective】To explore the risk factors of CSVD through the analysis of clinical characteristics of MRI markers of three common cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) in patients, and speculate the mechanism and prediction of its development and evolution.【Methods】Patients of the three common CSVD MRI markers on the MRI with white WMH (white matter hypertensity), lacunar, perivascular spaces (perivascular space, PVS) were selected as the subjects; their general information was collected , and the fasting blood homocysteine (Hcy), serum uric acid (UA), three acyl glycerol (TG), total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels were analyzed. 【Results】In the CSVD group: age, smoking history, Hcy were the risk factors; in the WMH group: gender (male), age, history of diabetes, Hcy were the risk factors, HDL-C was the protective factor; in rhe lacunar group: age, smoking, LDL-C were the risk factors, and HDL-C was the protective factor. In the PVS group: age, smoking, Hcy, TG were the risk factors.【Conclusion】Advanced age, male, smoking history, Hcy, history of diabetes, high LDL-C, high TG are risk factors for CSVD. Smoking history is a high risk factor for CSVD, while HDL-C is a protective factor for CSVD.
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