Clinical Observation of Miniplate Combined with Ring Jaw Ligation in Children with Mandibular Fracture |
MA Rui-yun, LI Wen-zao |
Shanghai fengxian district central hospital , Shanghai 201400,China |
Abstract 【Objective】 To summarize the effects of the miniplate combined with ring jaw ligation fixation in children of mandibular fracture. 【Methods】 Clinical data of sixty-nine cases of children with mandibular fracture in our hospital from February 2011 to December 2014 were selected and analyzed retrospectively. They were treated with the miniplate combined with ring jaw ligation fixation by the same dentist. The perioperative indexes and postoperative curative effect were observed and analyzed. 【Results】 The operative time of 69 cases was 36.8 ~ 47.3 min (average 41.0±6.8) min. The phenomenon of repeated bleeding did not ocure. The occlusal relationship was improved significantly in 59 cases. A small opening in the anterior region (occlusion) occurred in 3 cases. They were treated with the craniomaxillary elastic bandage. Two cases with condylar fracture were treated with indwelling ring operation combined with intermaxillary ligation. No gingival ulceration and bleeding occurred during the postoperative follow-up stage. The average healing time was (3.1 ± 0.3) months. After operation, 47 cases was normal over the mouth opening degree , and 20 cases were limited with first degree and 2 cases with second degree . 3 months after the operation, the mouth opening degrees in all of the cases were returned to normal. The mouth opening degrees in 3 months after operation were significantly improved compared with the time immediately after surgery. However, no statistical difference between the time immediately after surgery and 3 months postoperation was observed in GI, PLI and SBI(P>0.05). 【Conclusion】 The miniplate combined with ring jaw ligation is reliable effect in the treatment children's mandibular fracture. The therapy has no adverse effect in the recovery of mouth opening degree and the periodontal oral health.
Received: 21 February 2016
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