Analysis of More than 70 Thousands Allergy Specific IgE Tests In Children |
HE Xie-ling, TANG Jian-ping, WEI Zhu, et al |
Department of Dermatology, Hunan Province Children’s Hospital, Hunan Changsha, 410007, China |
Abstract 【Objective】To analyze the common environmental and food allergens in children. 【Methods】The results of allergen specific IgE detection in children aged 0 ~ 16 years in the Allergic Reaction Laboratory of Department of Dermatology in our hospital were collected; the quantity, positive results and positive rate of different allergen specific IgE of the detection were counted; The subjects were divided into four groups according to age, and the positive rates of allergens in different groups .【Results】During the three years, 71,794 detections of serum allergen specific IgE in children were conducted, among them, 34,306 times were concerned with environment, accounting for 47.78%; 37,488 times with food , accounting for 52.22%. The detection of environmental allergen specific IgE were divided into 7 categories, the positive rate were 23.28% for dust mites, 8.52% for house dust, 7.85% for animal fur and chip, 4.24% for tree pollen ,2.04% for fungi, 1.78% for insects and 0.88% for grass pollen, respectively ; Detection of food allergen specific IgE were divided into 10 categories, the positive rates were 10.08% for milk, 8.97% for egg, 4.13% for fruit, 3.46% for wheat, 3.67% for peanut, 2.52% for other foods (including pork, chicken, mutton, beef, rice, tomatoes, etc.), 1.96% for soybean, 1.60% for fish, 1.59% for crabs and 1.09% for nut respectively .The positive rate of dust mite was the highest among the environmental allergens in different age groups of subjects. The positive rate of preschool group and school-age group was nearly two times higher than that of the infant group. In addition to dust mites, house dust, animal fur scraps and tree pollen were also positive common allergen in each age stage. The fungi positive rate of children in school age group was significantly higher than that of other age groups. In the detection of food allergens, the milk positive rate was the highest in all age groups. Among 0 ~ 4 months group, other food allergen positive was rare except for milk; from 4 to 12 months of age group, the positive rate of all kinds of food increased significantly.【Conclusion】 Dust mites, house dust, animal fur debris, cow's milk and eggs were the most common allergens in children. Primary allergen at different ages are not consistent.
Received: 20 June 2016
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