Effect of Extracellular Matrix Expression on Paxillin and Vinculin in Cultured Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells |
HE Xie-ling, CAI Wei-jun, LIU Min,et al |
Department of Dermatology,Hunan Children's Hospital,Changsha 410007, China |
Abstract 【Objective】To investigate the expression of the extracellular matrix (ECM) on focal adhesion (FAs) protein paxillin and vinculin in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs).【Methods】 Rat aortic SMCs of fourth~sixth generation were grown on coverslips coated with fibronectin ( FN) or laminin (LN),or planted on Matrigel for cultivation. The expression of paxillin and vinculin was detected by confocal immunofluorescence technique, and was demostrated by the double fluorescence staining of the FAs vinculin/F-actin and paxillin/F-actin.【Results】The vinculin expression planted on FN was the lowest, and the LN was the second, and the highest expression was in Matrigel ; the cytoplasm of the vinculin on FN was more distributed ,but less on FAs; and vinculin, which grew on the LN matrix and the Matrigel, were more localized in the FAs, but less distributed in the cytoplasm. The fluorescence intensity of Vinculin was (64.72±7.18)AU/μm2,(89.82±5.11)AU/μm2,(117.19±16.99)AU/μm2 respectively in FN, LN and Matrigel, which were in turn increased, and there was statistical significance between the groups (P<0.05).The paxillin grown on FN was the highest, while that on the LN came the second, and that on Matrigel showed the lowest expression; Paxillin in Matrigel was mainly distributed in FAs, and that on FN also got a higher expression in the cytoplasm, except for that distributed on FAs. The fluorescence intensity of Paxillin was(129.87±10.22)AU/μm2,(86.59±9.90)AU/μm2,(56.32±7.54)AU/μm2,respectively in FN, LN and Matrigel, which were in turn decreased, and there was statistical significance between the groups (P<0.05).【Conclusion】Different ECM components have effect on the expression of FAs molecule: FN can up regulate the expression of paxillin and down regulate the expression of vinculin; while the LN and Matrigel can increase the expression of vinculin and decrease the expression of paxillin.
Received: 13 July 2016
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