Epidemiological Investigation of HPV Infections and Subtype Analysis of 6,617 Female Cases in Wuhan Area from 2011 to 2015 |
QIAO Bin, LI Yan, WANG Ming,et al |
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China |
Abstract 【Objective】To investigate the epidemic and subtype distribution of human papilloma virus (HPV) of female outpatients in Wuhan in order to provide guidance for prevention and treatment of HPV infection. 【Methods】 HPV infection and typing were detected by DNA molecular rapid diversion hybridization gene chip technology, and the positive or negative and genotype were judged according to the location of the subtype distribution in the chip.【Results】 HPV typing detection was performed in 6,617 patients, and 1,856 of them were positive for HPV, and the positive rate was 28.05%; 1,856 patients were infected with HPV subtype 2,543 times, The most common types of infection were HPV16 (30.28%), HPV52 (18.75%), HPV58 (15.03%), HPV18 (8.78%) and HPV33 (8.51%) ; Among them, the infection rate of the high-risk combined with low-risk subtype was 91.11%, and increased with age. HPV infected women mainly concentrated in the age of 31~50 years old, accounting for 66.16%; the highest positive rate was among those younger or equivalent to 20 years old, reached 35.05%; The single subtype of HPV infection took the majority , accounting for 73.06%. Among the multiple infections, the dual infection played a main role, and the common model for dual infection were HPV16+HPV52 and HPV16+HPV58.【Conclusion】 The HPV infection rate of female outpatients in Wuhan is rather high, and the population is concentrated on 31~50 years old. The main infection genotypes include high risk subtypes like HPV16, HPV52, HPV58, HPV18 and HPV33.
Received: 16 July 2015
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