5,7Dimethoxyflavone Inhibits the Properties of Human Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cells in Pancreatic Cancer Line PANC1 in Vitro |
Department of gastroenterology Hunan Provincial Tumor Hospital, Changsha, 410013,China |
Abstract 【Objective】To examine the effects of 5,7Dimethoxyflavone (DMF) on the properties of human pancreatic cancer stem cell. 【Methods】Human pancreatic cancer PANC1 cell lines were cultured in vitro to generate mammospheres and then detect phenotypes by flow cytometry. The Scratch method was used to contrast cell migration and movement ability after the influence of different concentrations of DMF on the pancreatic cancer stem cells in vitro. Western blot analysis was used to compare of surface marker CD133, CD44, ALDH1, Bmil, Ecad, and Ncad protein expression levels of human PANC1 pancreatic cancer stem cells after different concentrations of DMF interaction.【Results】DMF in a concentration dependent scenario decreased the sphereforming and migration ability of human PANC1 pancreatic cancer stem cells in vitro. Stem cell marker CD133, CD44, ALDH1, Bmi1, and Ncad protein expression levels were decreased by DMF in a concentration dependent manner, but Ecad protein level increased. 【Conclusion】DMF in a concentration dependent manner significantly inhibited in human PANC1 pancreatic cancer stem cell selfrenewal, cell migration, stem cell markers CD133、 CD44、 ALDH1、 Bmi1 protein expression ,but Ncadherin protein expression increased.
Received: 13 February 2016