Correlation Between Platelet Parameters and hsCRP in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease Complicated by Impaired Glucose Tolerance |
Quality Control Section, Gezhouba Central Hospital, Yichang,Hubei 443000 |
Abstract 【Objective】To investigate the correlation between platelet parameters and hypersensitive Creactive protein (hsCRP) in patients with coronary heart disease complicated by impaired glucose tolerance. 【Methods】Fortynine patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) complicated by impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) were selected as CHD with IGT group, 52 patients with CHD alone were selected as the CHD group, and 55 normal cases were selected as the control group. After admission, the levels of hsCRP and 5 platelet parameters (PLT,PCT,PDW,MPV and PLCR) were detected to analyze the correlation. 【Results】In the CHD with IGT group, hsCRP, PCT, PDW, MPV and PLCR were(7.94±0.51)mg/L,(0.24±0.04)%,(22.86±3.05)%,(16.04±3.97)fl and(59.68±8.24)%, respectively which were significantly higher than those in the CHD group and the control group. PLT(148.37±29.79)×109/L was significantly lower than in the CHD group and the control group, however, the differences between the CHD group and the control group were statistically significant (P<0.05); The correlation between platelet parameters and hsCRP was analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis. It was found that hsCRP was negatively correlated with PLT and positively correlated with PCT, PDW, MPV and PLCR. 【Conclusion】The platelet parameters of patients with CHD complicated by IGT are significantly correlated with hsCRP.
Received: 15 October 2015