Abstract Objective] To explore the methods and efficacy of ureteroscopic urethral reunion operation in the treatment of urethral injury .[Methods]Clinical data of 18 patients with urethral injury undergoing uretero‐scopic urethral reunion operation were analyzed retrospectively .[Results] Among 18 patients ,11 patients were bulbar urethral injury and underwent the operation successfully ,and 7 patients were membranous ure‐thral injury in which 6 patients underwent the operation successfully and 1 patient failed .All patients were fol‐lowed up for 6 to 36 months .Two patients with membranous urethral injury developed urethral injury .Two patients appeared erection dysfunction .[Conclusion] Urethral reunion operation with ureteroscope has advan‐tages such as small injury ,less complication ,rapid recovery and simple procedure .Therefore ,it is an effective method for urethral injury .