Abstract Objective To explore clinical significance of 24h-blood glucose drift change and fluctuation trend in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM ) in order to provide clinical basis for the reasonable treatment scheme .[Methods]Reland dynamic glucose monitoring system(CGMS) was used for continuous 72h dynamic sugar monitoring in 325 T2DM patients .According to blood glucose fluctuation coefficient ,all pa-tients were divided into ≤2 .0 group and >2 .0 group .Glycosylated hemoglobin(HBA1C) ,24h-average blood glucose(24hMBG) ,mean blood glucose before and after 3 meals ,24h-maximum amplitude of glycemic excur-sion(LAGE) ,24h-mean amplitude of glycemic excursion(MAGE) and frequency (NGE) ,blood glucose fluc-tuation coefficient and the percentage of time of different blood glucose levels in 24h(PT ) of all patients were understood .The characteristics of 24h-blood glucose drift change were compared between two groups .[Re-sults]Among 275 patients with blood glucose fluctuation coefficient >2 .0 ,126 patients(45 .8% ) had hypogly-cemia .Among 50 patients with blood glucose fluctuation coefficient ≤2 .0 ,18 patients(36% ) had hypoglyce-mia .HBA1C did not reflect the amplitude and frequency of blood glucose fluctuation .The incidence of hyper-glycemia and the time and amplitude of blood glucose drift ≥11 .1mmol/L in the group with blood glucose fluc-tuation coefficient>2 .0 were obviously higher than those in the group with blood glucose fluctuation coefficient≤2 .0( P <0 .05) .[Conclusion] Compared with the group with blood glucose fluctuation coefficient ≤2 .0 , blood glucose drift in the group with blood glucose fluctuation coefficient >2 .0 is higher ,and drift amplitude is increased .Both groups have hypoglycemia .CGMS contributes to the detailed assessment of the trend and characteristics of blood glucose drift change in patients with T 2DM .