Abstract [Objective]To explore the diagnosis of recessive and dominant umbilical cord prolapse and its effect on the outcome of perinatal children.[Methods]The diagnosis and treatment of 32 cases of umbilical cord prolapse in our hospital from Jan.2010 to June 2012 were analyzed.The cesarean rate and Apgar score of perinatal children between re-cessive group and dominant group was compared.The relationship between the ways of the diagnosis of umbilical cord prolapse and the prognosis of fetuses was observed.[Results]The pediatric patients in two groups were labored success-fully,and no one died.The cesarean rate,neonatal 1min and 5min Apgar scores in recessive group were higher than those in dominant group(P<0.05).In the ways of diagnosis of umbilical cord prolapse,neonatal Apgar scores of prenatal ul-trasonography were higher,but there was no significant difference between prenatal ultrasonography and other ways(P>0.05).[Conclusion]Prenatal ultrasonography,fetal heart rate monitoring combined with vaginal examination are helpful for the early diagnosis of umbilical cord prolapse,especially for patients with recessive umbilical cord prolapse.Early in-tervention can significantly improve the prognosis of perinatal children.